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How to open an IV Hydration Clinic

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How to Open an IV Hydration Clinic

How to open an IV Hydration Clinic

So, you want to open an
IV Hydration Clinic.

Are you ready to set your own schedule, stop working for someone else, and remove the cap on your paycheck?

Bedside nursing isn't the only way to provide dedicated care to patients -- there is a way for you to feel passionate about your career again.

Get ready for this...

IV Hydration Business Start Up Course

This IV Hydration intensive program is for the Licensed Practical or Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, MD or other Healthcare Professional who is ready to hit ground running and open an IV Hydration Therapy Clinic within 12 weeks.

Stop relying on the perceived benefits that organizations promise.

They are not loyal to you.


how to open an iv hydration clinic

You will never be financially independent or have control your own schedule with bedside nursing (even if you regularly work overtime). You will always be on someone else’s
time, putting your efforts and skills into building up their business and brand, and you will miss out on benefits and advantages of working for yourself.

You worked your way through nursing or med school.

For many people, this is a challenge of your lifetime. You may have been a single parent, working extra shifts to make ends meet while finishing school and clinicals. You landed a dream job in the department that you’ve always wanted. You chose a career field that is full of opportunities, yet has massive staffing shortages, and perhaps you soon realized that landing your dream job wasn't all that you expected.

Despite “living the dream”, your efforts have often led to unexpected outcomes of extended shifts, being forced to work overtime just to make ends meet, student loans, missing activities with kids and family, and putting your health at risk while managing high risk and critical care situations, and you're still living paycheck to paycheck.

You want it all, but conforming to the bedside seems to be the only way to make that happen -- after all, working for a hospital give you benefits, 401k, PTO & sick days, and the occasional gift card for nurses week to celebrate YOU. 

Hospital management makes you feel guilty for asking for a raise, but expects you to work more hours, accept cut overtime pay, take more patients than is safe, and never complain. 

But you are worth more than that!


Deep down, you know that owning your own business will give you an advantage.

Living the dream is no longer dreamy, and the only way to feel passionate again about your career is by gaining freedom and independence, for your time, money and mental well being.

You just need the blueprint on how to start, and guidelines for how to finish profitably. 

how to open an IV Hydration Clinic with The Kimble Academy


I'm Coach Kimble, and I'm here to guide you.

I created a 12 week intensive course to help you learn how to open an IV Hydration Clinic. With this in-depth program, I have helped hundreds of Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and other healthcare professionals start profitable IV Hydration businesses.


I’ve mentored and coached hundreds of entrepreneurs to find their passion and what fulfills their career, and I'm ready to help you find your future as well!

How to open an IV Hydration Clinic

Ready to 
your life?

This 12 week intensive course is specifically designed for you if you are ready to open your own IV Hydration Clinic and start owning your future!


This 8 week intensive course shows you not only how to open an IV Hydration clinic, it covers key points that ensure your success as a business owner. 


Set up your business model so that your business foundation is solid and you start off on the right foot.


Create a recognizable brand and build an amazing community of customers around that brand.


Build a legitimate business with consistent recurring monthly revenue, without overworking yourself.

How to open an IV Hydration Clinic 8 week course

How to Start

Applicants must qualify to join this program. Coach Kimble will personally deliver your coaching experience and due to high demand, there are limited spots available during each 12 week intensive. We guarantee* the cost of your enrollment into this course, as long as you apply yourself and do the work, and because of this guarantee, we select applicants who are qualified, ready to show up and apply themselves, excited to do the work, and  who have the focus to achieve the objectives of the program.

Given how rigorous this course is, and the prerequisites for implementing the information provided, it's critical that every participant is genuinely ready for this change and degree of growth, and that they have the mindset and determination to make the most of their time in our 12 week intensive to get there!


This program is designed for nurses and healthcare workers from around the country. It's thrilling, and it yields extraordinary results for you; nevertheless, it's not for everyone.

Is this course for you?

Applicants who do best in this 12 week intensive course on how to open an IV Hydration Clinic fall into the following categories:

You also...

  • are ready to get some expert support to help you save time making decisions so you’re working on the right things at the right time to start a profitable business.

  • are ready to own your own time and stop working on the clock for someone else.

  • want to build financial stability for yourself and create a lasting legacy for your family.

  • want to make a switch from treating/caring for only the sick to promoting wellness and lifestyle change for your clients.

This course is not for you if you...

> Lack follow through and often have difficulty reaching goals and completing tasks.

> Have a fixed mindset that values perfection over experience.

> You are not ready to start your own business.

> You are not financially able to invest in the basic requirements of building your own business.

> You are unable to make the time commitment to applying yourself to the course, or the steps necessary to start your own business.

> You are unwilling to implement what you've learned in this course and you are looking for a "done for you" solution.

Do you meet these expectations?

What to expect

This program's format has been designed so that you are able to implement what you learn with both 1:1 and group interaction. Once your application is received, we'll book a call to further discuss details of the course and where you are currently at in your entrepreneur journey. However, you can expect the following >>

12 Week Intensive

A structured, comprehensive training on how to build your IV Hydration business from the ground up, including selecting the right business model with the proper legal structure, who you need on your team, building your drips/formulas, inventory needs, emergency protocols, guidelines and regulations, branding and marketing for success, understanding your client workflows, and automating your business for efficiency. Everything you need to start a thriving, legal IV Hydration business will be covered in this course.

Face-to-face virtual group coaching and study hours, demonstrating how to accomplish the content you've learned so you can keep moving towards your goals.

A mastermind support group by your peers that ensures you receive the feedback you need to maximize your learning journey.

A private and engaged community where you can discuss your successes and challenges and get answers to your concerns in between scheduled calls.

Learn the ins and outs of starting an IV Hydration clinic.

I'll teach you what I did to lay the groundwork for my business so that you can do the same for yours.

Medical Touch

Our Guarantee

We recognize that this program is an investment of your time and money. We created this 12 week intensive course to help you make a greater impact in the world. There are many nurses and healthcare professionals who dive in to perform the legwork required to build a six-figure IV Hydration business, and they are highly successful.

However, you may not know what to anticipate at this point and are apprehensive about spending your money on a course without knowing if you can succeed. 

To make you feel more confident about your enrollment, if you join the program and during the first 30 days you:
● complete all the trainings
● attend your scheduled calls
● and follow the steps and recommended actions


and you’re not satisfied with the experience and results, the cost of enrollment will be fully refunded to you. It's as simple as that. You have 30 days, and if you put in the work and you’re not satisfied, the refund is yours.

A note to you...

Whether you run an IV Hydration business, a wellness center, a medspa, or any other niched business, you're a subject matter expert (SME) looking to make a difference in the lives of others. This frequently includes the following:
● Creating information on the fly to bridge knowledge and skill gaps for your clients
● Investing time in addressing the same questions asked by clients whether in person, via email, or via Direct Message
● Speculating on the best method to manage your organization and procedures and understanding what works best

● Struggling to fulfill all of your consumers' preferred preferences in order to get the desired outcome

It doesn't have to be this way!

You deserve more

It is not okay since your time is precious to you and your customer, and you want your services to be productive. You've spent years as a nurse, and you understand how important you are to others. You're a gift to others.

You've invested a lot of time and effort into honing your skill set, and it's not enough that it's receiving mixed reviews. You must develop or maintain your reputation as the go-to expert in your field, or your business will suffer.
However, you know you can provide results since you're an expert in your field, so it's time to seek professional assistance.

The Coach Kimble In Person Training IV Hydration Clinic_edited.jpg

Not acting on this will 1) waste your time, 2) limit your revenue, and 3) jeopardize your reputation, all of which will limit your capacity to continue and expand your business. Why take the chance?

I'm here to guide you through the steps of creating your own business. I will give you tools and knowledge that will increase your confidence as a business owner by teaching you how to make your business easier to market, sell, service, and educate your customers.

If you've read this far, I know you're a dedicated professional who values constant progress. You recognize that there are things you don't know and you are willing to learn new things if you can positively touch more people. Let's be real -- you change lives in so many ways.

You've made the decision to lead your tribe. Now it's time to take that leap of faith to learn and do it better and bolder. Your clients will appreciate it, and many will become your biggest advocates because you, my fellow healthcare entrepreneur, will stand out from the crowd.

I'm ready to produce results.

Are you?

I'm 100% committed

To helping you launch a successful IV Hydration business and assisting you in providing your clients with the best results possible.
In fact, I'll be observing you each course participant for the first 30 days to make sure the assignments and work are being completed. If they aren't, I may ask you to quit the program, and you'll miss out on your opportunity to make a bigger impact in healthcare.
This is how dedicated I am to the program's integrity.

Christal Parker NP Review Coach Kimble The Kimble Academy
I originally took another IV hydration course that left me motivated with no strategy. Thanks to Kimble, I was able to get my IV hydration business up and running. Kimble has a wealth of knowledge and knows the IV hydration business in and out. Thank you Kimble for being so patient and helpful through the process of me opening my business!

Christal Parker, NP

Owner, Savvy Beauty & Wellness

What previous students have said 

Unlike other programs available, our program focuses on your needs as a business owner. You’ve already started on the right path!
There’s no sitting back in this program. You might be faced with some tough decisions and only in action will you see results. However, it’s such a rewarding experience and I’ll help you move through each phase of the framework. This course leaves no one behind.

Let me coach you in developing the greatest version of your 
IV Hydration business, 
laying a solid 
foundation and developing a marketing plan that gets

It's time to take the next step

Register today and let's start the journey of opening your own IV Hydration Clinic.

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